As the parent or legal guardian of the child, and by registering him/her as a participant in the Commonwealth Kings Lacrosse sports program, (and all related events and activities, including, without limitation, practices, games, clinics, camps, tournaments and travel), I do hereby acknowledge, and agree that:
1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is significant. I have independently reviewed and evaluated the risks and determined that the child may participate in the program, and I assume all responsibility, with my full knowledge and acceptance of the risk. I understand that this league does not provide insurance for participants, nor does it assume any responsibility for accidents or injuries. For this reason a valid US Lacrosse number is required in order to participate.
2. I, for myself, and on behalf of the child, the child's successors, heirs, assigns, and personal representatives, agree that Commonwealth Kings, including all participants, officials, coaches, assistants, chaperones, agents, directors, managers, members, shareholders, officers, employees, sponsors, advertisers, owners or lessors of premises used in conducting the program, are hereby released from any and all liability and claims for any injuries, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property of any kind whatsoever, incident to the child's participation or involvement in the Commonwealth Kings sports program, even if caused by the negligence or gross negligence of Commonwealth Kings Lacrosse or its agents.
3. The child will comply with the stated and customary rules and regulations for participation in the programs.
4. I acknowledge that Commonwealth Kings Lacrosse has encouraged me as the parent or legal guardian of the child to consult with and seek approval from their physician prior to commencing the program. I am aware of and have disclosed any known medical conditions, allergies, or medications present in regard to the child, and release Commonwealth Kings Lacrosse from any and all liability and claims for any injuries, disability, death or loss or damage to person or property incurred on the part of the child while participating in Commonwealth Kings Lacrosse programs as a result of said medical conditions, allergies, or medications. I further release Commonwealth Kings Lacrosse from any and all liability and claims for any injuries, disability, death or loss or damage to person or property incurred on the part of the child while participating in Commonwealth Kings Lacrosse programs as a result of any and all unknown medical conditions, allergies, and medications present in regard to the child.
5. I authorize the use of any and all photos or any other images of the child participating in Commonwealth Kings Lacrosse related activities for use on the website or in promotional or other materials on behalf of Commonwealth Kings Lacrosse.
I have read the above, fully understand its terms, and sign it freely and voluntarily, both on my behalf and the behalf of the child.
By entering my name in the box below I agree to the terms of the waiver.